Thursday, August 19, 2010

Embroidery Addiction

I love it.

I can't stop doing it!

Insight: I'm a little OCD.
[okay, a lot]

If I start something 99.9% of the time I have to finish it immediately [video games, craft projects, cleaning an entire house..]

This is a major reason behind why I love embroidery so much. It's simple, I can do it while watching It's Always Sunny, and I can finish most small pieces in 2-3 hours.

I've been hunting online for a good source for patterns. I have one book of iron-on transfers that I really enjoy and have just started using carbon paper to trace my own (although I need significant practice). and have thus far been my only great finds.

Anyone out there with suggestions for more sites please let me know!


  1. has all sorts of crafts that people create, but some people have AMAZING embroidery projects.

  2. Yes! I LIVE on craftster! I've been digging through their needlework section and seeing some pretty amazing things!

  3. I'm like that too sometimes. ;)

  4. I am ocd as well, I don't feel complete unless I'm done with a project!
