Saturday, March 5, 2011

My first shadowbox!

I'm so proud of myself :)

I think it's just lovely. The little jar contains rose hips and lavendar seeds. There is a vintage photograph and a clipping from a 1938 Chicago paper as well.


  1. It's interesting - like it tells a story on its own. I've recently branched in to shadowboxes too, so this caught my attention!

  2. Beautiful shadow box! I love to make them, and I put some of my shell finds in them.

  3. Thank you both!
    Della - I live by the beach and have a small collection of shells that I also thought of including in my next one. I love the versitility of these projects!

  4. I love it! I've seen a few shadowboxes in the last couple of days, I don't know how much longer I can hold out before I'll have to try one myself!
